BIZARRE '97!! |
(Andabata) (24-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik zuig! |
(OOPSBOT) (24-05-1997 01:00:00 )
I love eikels! |
(Mrs. Pussy) (24-05-1997 01:00:00 )
i love pussies! |
(mr. eikel) (24-05-1997 01:00:00 )
En toch wil ik graag een kroket |
(T. Koen) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo |
(Robbe) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Shit on my head, I have brown hairs anyway |
(Radium) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
ik ben echt wel een dikke sukkel haha |
(Radium) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Go Fuk Ya Self |
(Muta) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Fuk Ya Muta |
(MutaFuka) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Oops! |
(Tycoon) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Then dump her! Marriage sucks! :) |
(Trauwrens) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Help.. My GF wants 2 get married... |
(dOC/oPS) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Oi oi oi oi oi oi!!! -:) |
(Strawhead) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Oops! |
(Whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Buhuuuu... |
(dOC) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Let's say oops! together |
(Radium) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
When I walk down the street looking like real cheese, the fucking brothers all seem to freeze |
(Tsjies) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Whizzkid was here |
(whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
One warning, don't try to get a croquet out of this 8) for more info on this joke, inquire at Tycoon's 8) |
(whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Look at me at pic16.jpg |
(Stephan) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Magic rules! He will give me money! :) |
(T. Koen) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Het is hier niet geheel pluus |
(Truus) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
HAhahaha rad made a funny joke about cheese, wahahaha too bad you missed it, hihhi hahaha |
(Whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Flepperdeflepperdeflep |
(Bep) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
This stinks! |
(Poep) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik denk dat iedereen zichzelf erg goed vind, want alle zinnen beginnen met IK |
(Stephan) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
D'r zit toch ook een D in Wordt ?? 8) |
(whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
AAaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aargh |
(whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Wordt is met een D... sukkel |
(Stephan) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Well whizzkid, I couldn't do it better myself ;)))) |
(Radium) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik geloof dat ik gek wordt! |
(Stephan) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik doe nog wel eens voor de grap een dansje |
(Fransje) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Radium, what do you think of the wall stuff 'n stuff? |
(Whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik heb een dikke vette pik |
(Diederik) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik ben de enige echte Stephan... dus geloof niet alle onzin van anderen! |
(Stephan) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik heb een beertje en die is van pluche |
(Guusje) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Nag nag nag nag, ok I know.. |
(whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik ben geloof ik zwanger van Pim |
(Kim) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Yeah yeah, sorry. We just got carried away, that's what happens when nobody wants to write on your wall. sniff. I can't help it. it's the environment I grew up in, I WAS AN ELEMENTRY SCHOOL DROPOUT waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! |
(Whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik ben stiekem verliefd op Kim |
(Pim) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Hey I can't understand you guys, please speak English!! |
(Mr. English) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Van mijn moederke moek nen jas aan |
(Stefaan) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik heb geloof ik een griepje |
(Miepje) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Wat dacht je? ;) |
(Hoppa) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
It's... Magic! |
(SuperRadium) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
En ik ben hun rottige kind hahaha. |
(StoereKleuter) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik ben de stoere mevrouw |
(DeStoereMevrouw) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Ik ben de stoere meneer |
(DeStoereMeneer) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Right, I'm beginning to wonder if we're the only cool guys in Oops! hihi... |
(whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
The others don't have the guts to write something down here. Puh. |
(Radium) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
The Wall Does It All! |
(Radium) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
And the second! |
(Whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )
Yes, I'm the FIRST one to spray on the wall, cool. It's easy when you're the webmaster hahaha |
(Whizzkid) (23-05-1997 01:00:00 )