Useful is still written with only one "l". Har har, Blacktop is a dumb fool. |
(Radium) (05-09-1997 00:24:34 )
By the way, Radium, I starting my own chat-group,called:"what the hell is the difference between external and internal amplification?" I'm now at the point that I think it means you should have crummy speakers that make to much bass sound,but you can't have a good it? |
(Blacktop) (03-09-1997 16:44:47 )
I want to be on the top of your #@$#@ list,,but I just don't have anything usefull to say(like always,I know) |
(Blacktop) (03-09-1997 16:42:28 )
Well.....Legacy maybe???Come out come out wherever you are.... |
(Blacktop) (03-09-1997 16:41:21 )
Thus Kuybosrd Sicks...... |
(Blacktop) (03-09-1997 16:40:01 )
Well,who's up for this mindgame today? |
(Blacktop) (03-09-1997 16:39:30 )
Well,I think he meant me,but by this time I'm thinking this guy has the vocabulary of Einstein,but the brain pf a baby....By the way MR.Wallace,your little dealer,did not bend...... |
(Blacktop) (03-09-1997 16:38:27 )
mrWallace, would you care to enlighten us with the reason of your verbal explosions on this wall? |
(Whizzkid) (03-09-1997 10:27:37 )
Hey kewl! I Like this, from now on included in my hotlist ;-) |
(LiGHtNiNG!) (02-09-1997 16:08:01 )
We cool. We really cool. One more thing: I want your ass outta this town tomorrow. We cool, but you'd better make me fuckin' forget about this. And I will strike down with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And they will know that My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon them. This means your ass. |
(M. Wallace) (02-09-1997 11:24:28 )
ooh really? cool! hmm must get me a new armour then 8) |
(Whizzkid) (31-08-1997 23:37:05 )
oooo whizzy thats so sweet of you"! |
(robbe) (31-08-1997 18:44:18 )
I volunteer 8) but my armour is rusty a bit. and I don't seem to fit in it anymore 8) |
(Whizzkid) (30-08-1997 01:55:18 )
Windmills. |
(Crash!) (30-08-1997 00:07:22 )
now who completely wiped me off the wall? i'm gonna cry... i need a knight in shining armour, any volunteers? |
(robbe) (29-08-1997 21:56:44 )
Uhm...Seriously,Whizzkid and Radium.....are you coming to da cc2000 Tommorow? |
(Blacktop) (29-08-1997 14:48:57 )
Buy my new novell: How To Handle Psycho's; only $29,95.... |
(Blacktop) (29-08-1997 14:48:05 )
Clogs. Big ones. |
(MeSoN) (29-08-1997 13:33:23 )
Now, the night of the fight, you might feel a little sting. That's pride fuckin'with ya. O.K. I'm gonna get cool wit ya. Me casa, su casa. If you don't want your ass to go down allright. See you tonight then. By the way, previous message pretty please with sugar on top of it: |
(M. Wallace) (29-08-1997 12:06:01 )
got for pretty fuckin'cheap sale: Samurai sword to defend yo ass. Well let me tell ya what next. I'm gonna call a couple pipe-hittin'niggers to bust yo ass. So we're cool now? |
(M. Wallace) (29-08-1997 11:59:27 )
(Blacktop) (29-08-1997 09:58:18 )
Uhm...M.Wallace?Isn't sunday the end of the week....ok.......but because I'm a nice guy I'll see ya tonight(friday)....fuck you are making me feel wanted....that's a bad experience......signing off..(TO EVERYONE WHO HAS READ THESE MESSAGES;IF I'M NOT HOME ON SATURDAY CALL THE POLICE!) |
(Blacktop) (29-08-1997 09:40:18 )
HI |
(dragonnel) (29-08-1997 09:32:39 )
kinky |
(dumb) (29-08-1997 08:13:24 )
(Linx) (29-08-1997 00:25:45 )
Did anyone see blacktop the last couple of days? ;-) |
(Radium) (28-08-1997 20:49:11 )
Oh dear, such rude language |
(Whizzkid) (28-08-1997 13:31:49 )
Blackdop really should know, cos I'm motherfuckin' serious. Am I trippin' or did I ask you for something earlier this weak. I'm not gonna let you enjoy my fuckin' money no fuckin' more. Business off. |
(M. Wallace) (28-08-1997 12:12:14 )
My name is Pitt, and you ain't talking yo ass out of this shit mister B-top |
(M. Wallace) (28-08-1997 12:03:41 )
Blacktop gonna be in fuckin' trouble. End of the week is comin' very close on yo ass. Gonna get Medieval on you |
(M. Wallace) (28-08-1997 12:00:17 )
(mr.jones) (28-08-1997 00:42:45 )
I'm like....a toid. No, really. |
(Buzz of Maniacs) (28-08-1997 00:41:02 )
Well, ponk my teppels! |
(Engleeesh Peeeg) (28-08-1997 00:39:19 )
Prodigy is a hirmer... |
(Toid) (28-08-1997 00:38:27 )
Ik heb een langpootmug op mij rug. |
(Ganja) (28-08-1997 00:37:01 )
Dutch faggot+dyke ;) |
(MeSoN) (28-08-1997 00:33:19 )
wooaw!.. :) |
(racoon) (27-08-1997 16:20:20 )
en vrouw.... 8) |
(Whizzkid) (26-08-1997 12:09:38 )
Ga dan ook weg man! 8) |
(Whizzkid) (26-08-1997 12:09:20 )
hoppaaaa |
(radium) (26-08-1997 12:06:52 )
doei |
(linx) (26-08-1997 12:06:31 )
Keee, toedeloe dan maar! |
(Whizzkid) (26-08-1997 12:05:54 )
ga weg |
(ik) (26-08-1997 12:04:01 )
hoppaaaa |
(radium) (26-08-1997 12:03:28 )
Hehe zeg ff wanneer je weggaat, dan hoef ik niet meer netschaap aan te hebben, |
(Whizzkid) (26-08-1997 11:58:31 )
hoppaaaa |
(radium) (26-08-1997 11:57:31 )
M$IE?????? aaaaaaaaargh, naja, beter dan HELEMAAL niks, (hoewel) hehe |
(Whizzkid) (26-08-1997 11:56:59 )
doegie he |
(wij) (26-08-1997 11:56:14 )
Radix, hehe, zag ik al, het adres is 8) |
(Whizzkid) (26-08-1997 11:53:37 )
we gaan nog ff sjoppen nu |
(wij) (26-08-1997 11:53:07 )
Hee Ranx, kun je niet bij netschaap telnet:// doen? en dan via je account mailen? 8) |
(Whizzkid) (26-08-1997 11:52:12 )
Wahaha kun je beter thuis doen dus, telefoontikken zijn duur! 8( |
(Whizzkid) (26-08-1997 11:50:36 )
en het is NIET gratis. paal eet telefoonkaart en zo |
(lindium) (26-08-1997 11:49:58 )
Linxium! It Works!! eheh but write to that one checks my mail more often! 8) |
(Whizzkid) (26-08-1997 11:49:09 )
het is nu 4 over half 12 en we staan weer bij de netpaal. tis iets minder koel want de zon schijnt WAHAHA grapje |
(Radinx) (26-08-1997 11:48:44 )
Hee linxium, hoe laat heb je daar getikt? ik heb net om 10:38 een briefje ontvangen met daarop de tijd :8:23 als da klopt is den internetpaal traag 8) maarja, it's FREE! |
(Whizzkid) (26-08-1997 10:48:46 )
wij gaan weer... der wil er nog eentje openbaar netten hierzo... mazzel! |
(paaltje) (26-08-1997 10:41:51 )
argh, blektop tieept door onze live-experience heen |
(radilinx) (26-08-1997 10:39:30 )
ik ben koel maar ikheb wel een kuttoetsenbord |
(internetpaaltje) (26-08-1997 10:38:08 )
anybody seen chemical brothers on lowlands? I saw your brother there Radium..... so cool..... |
(blacktop) (26-08-1997 10:35:10 )
koel zeg, der staat hier op het spui in amsterdam een internetpaal! |
(linxium) (26-08-1997 10:31:58 )
hej oopsmensen, ik zit hier ff lekker te praktikummen op de uni, ben een beetje klaar enzo dus -> internet :))... eindelijk weer...eumz..khep zelf nog geen acces, maar stuur maar es een mailtje naar, is een flatgenootje en dan mojje wel ff zegge dat ut voor maartijn is, dan komp ut wel aan..zal ie leuk vinden.. ;) |
(strawhead) (25-08-1997 16:44:51 )
I did mail you robbe! (it's 22:35 uk time now) |
(Whizzkid) (23-08-1997 23:47:03 )
whizz.... where are you???? mail me!!!! please.... i'll cry if you don't!!! |
(robbe) (23-08-1997 23:45:50 )
Wow, this is really um, great, (looks to sky) |
(Dazza!) (23-08-1997 22:39:43 )
My mom was coming, therefore I had to clean up a bit hihi |
(Whizzkid) (23-08-1997 22:20:10 )
aaaarrrrggggg... where have all of my messages gone??? |
(robbe) (23-08-1997 21:11:23 )
you have got to admit that it is good to have me back!!! |
(robbe) (23-08-1997 21:03:47 )
slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap |
(robbe) (23-08-1997 21:03:12 )
tyc... why would whizz want to tidy his room?? it looks good the way it is!!! Besides from what i have seen of rads room... he doesn't tidy that either!!! |
(robbe) (23-08-1997 21:02:14 )
i'm back and i'm slapping!! |
(robbe) (23-08-1997 21:00:45 )
where is everyone... don't you guys ever check your mail??? |
(robbe) (23-08-1997 21:00:19 )
ok..... email address... MAIL ME!!!! |
(robbe) (23-08-1997 16:36:01 )
I'm back!!!!! |
(robbe) (23-08-1997 16:33:59 )
Hey Whizzkid, what about cleaning your room, so Radium does not have to eat your dust... ?!?!? |
(Tycoon) (22-08-1997 22:37:25 )
Radium Eat My Dust 8) ehm cyberdust that is, the problem NOW is, that it will be VERY hard to up my chars/entry now. 8( Darnit. Ahwell, to rule 1 piece of the wallstats is nice anyway he he he |
(Whizzkid) (22-08-1997 11:35:23 )
YES! I'm the top wall abuser! |
(Whizzkid) (22-08-1997 11:34:08 )
Ok, I did 8) hihi |
(Whizzkid) (22-08-1997 11:33:44 )
Hmmm did I or didn't I include HTML filters in this wall? <H2>does this work?</H2> |
(whizzkid) (22-08-1997 11:33:35 )
Don't click the button! 8) erhm what browser are ya using? try to connect to this page |
(Whizzkid) (22-08-1997 11:32:35 )
HELP!!! Whenever I "Click this button to see who's dominating our wall!" I have a system crash! |
(Mr Kipling) (20-08-1997 22:07:19 )
Exceedingly good cakes |
(Mr Kipling) (20-08-1997 21:57:55 )
Collin on vacation? Where where!! 8) |
(Whizzkid) (20-08-1997 17:16:15 )
COLLIN: Hee collin, ik kon je niet www mailen, maar je hebt wel de groeten! Oh en mail ff de naam van jullie hotel! |
(Stephan) (20-08-1997 09:19:30 )
Suddenly I'm not hungry anymore |
(Whizzkid) (19-08-1997 20:48:26 )
I pick my nose, and I lick the bits! |
(Mentat) (19-08-1997 17:31:43 )
Mentat - that Amos Pro source code you use doesnt work here mate ;) Sort it out! |
(Babbage) (19-08-1997 17:30:52 )
The Wall, wasnt that some tacky show on C4 in the UK presented by Terry C.? =;) |
(Babbage) (19-08-1997 17:29:38 )
Excellent hidden Warez link BTW guys. |
(Babbage) (19-08-1997 17:28:35 )
And if I do an exceedingly long line I bet it will put up that average word counter thingy for me too making it look really really cool even though it is infact just wasting space and doing nothing of any use whatsoever! |
(Babbage) (19-08-1997 17:27:47 )
One more to go and im there ;) |
(Babbage) (19-08-1997 17:27:09 )
Head feeling ok after getting pissed last night Mentat? |
(Babbage) (19-08-1997 17:26:33 )
ooooh if I put a few entries in ill get into the satatistics bit =:) |
(Babbage) (19-08-1997 17:25:43 )
Oye mentat, you SPICE girl lover, dont ya want to link in my homepage? =:) |
(Babbage) (19-08-1997 17:24:16 )
Warez? ware? 8) |
(whizzkid) (19-08-1997 13:13:29 )
good blunt reprezent |
(enenek) (15-08-1997 20:38:20 )
*** EVERY FRAME !!!! |
(HERMATO) (15-08-1997 20:36:48 )
(Hermato) (15-08-1997 20:36:03 )
Warez rules If anyone has any good warez send it to c_o_d_e@hotmail |
(Coded) (14-08-1997 19:58:10 )
Heheh I'll take that as a compliment 8) |
(Whizzkid) (13-08-1997 14:07:51 )