Oops! The Wall Online
The Wall

Grab your virtual spray can and abuse our wall!

Okay dude, you asked for it. I will be known as
and my impressive statement for the moment is

I am not a lame Spammer and to prove it I will enter the number I see here: [48]
The number is : .

Click here to see who dominates our wall. Click this button to see who's dominating our wall!
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Here's the damn' bunch of cyberstones it's all about.
A (BeyonderGod)
(09-11-1998 14:51:20 )
N (BeyonderGod)
(09-11-1998 14:51:05 )
I (BeyonderGod)
(09-11-1998 14:50:50 )
M (BeyonderGod)
(09-11-1998 14:50:35 )
O (BeyonderGod)
(09-11-1998 14:50:24 )
D (BeyonderGod)
(09-11-1998 14:50:11 )
BOE!!!!! hahahahahaha (BeyonderGod)
(09-11-1998 14:49:13 )
Ja das een hoop werk zeg. Ik heb het me er maar makkelijk afgemaakt, want normaal doe ik de rest van de afdeling ook altijd even :) (Tycoon)
(09-11-1998 13:15:54 )
Zo.. even mezelf weer een hele boel werk verschaft.... (Whaley)
(09-11-1998 12:25:27 )
Hey 150 wat doet Geertje nou precies in die musical/dinges? (Whaley)
(09-11-1998 11:34:40 )
Right about now.. banana brothers check it out now.. banana brothers (Whaley)
(09-11-1998 11:19:34 )
Damn... now where did I put that banana? (Tycoon)
(08-11-1998 15:18:03 )
My last day at World Access !!!!!!!!!! :-))))))))))))) (iSo)
(08-11-1998 10:28:47 )
Mike.tv: May I tell you that your site is WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ? (iSo)
(08-11-1998 10:28:14 )
Check it out now: the funk soul brother (Tycoon)
(07-11-1998 19:44:09 )
check it out now: http://www.oops.in.nl/mediawar (mike.tv/qb)
(07-11-1998 12:48:55 )
Even lekker vaag doen... (Tycoon)
(06-11-1998 18:59:57 )
Ik ken deze zin nergens van... wel met het woordje. Wat betekent retur trouwens? :) (Tycoon)
(06-11-1998 17:59:11 )
Wow... magic spreekt.. alleen ken ik die zin al ergens van. En kan ik 'em niet helemaal plaatsen in deze context. (Whaley)
(06-11-1998 17:55:49 )
Sounds like great fun... (Whaley)
(06-11-1998 17:23:16 )
What fish? Yesterday we had chicken! Today is fish-day I think. And because we are next to the canteen this is the most enjoyable day each week.... *bwergh!* (Tycoon)
(06-11-1998 09:27:32 )
I don't like the fish they serve here. They can't even swim. (Whaley)
(05-11-1998 14:01:23 )
Damn... My postbot hasn't said anything yet today... So I'm doing it myself now :) (Tycoon)
(05-11-1998 13:08:53 )
hmm just had fried fishies for lunch, slurp (whizzkid)
(05-11-1998 13:08:03 )
BTW, I'd love some pizza right now! And the candy's gone as well.. :( (Whaley)
(05-11-1998 11:59:24 )
I hate those people who want to be first.. might as well make a postbot ;-) (Whaley)
(05-11-1998 11:58:34 )
DOMINATEN! (BeyonderGod)
(05-11-1998 11:43:58 )
'THE WALL' (BeyonderGod)
(05-11-1998 11:43:31 )
OOK (BeyonderGod)
(05-11-1998 11:43:00 )
WIL (BeyonderGod)
(05-11-1998 11:42:35 )
Ik (BeyonderGod)
(05-11-1998 11:42:12 )
'k ga maar weer eens... (BeyonderGod)
(05-11-1998 11:40:44 )
Best gezellig hier... (BeyonderGod)
(05-11-1998 11:40:08 )
I'll just say something in English now... Bollocks! ahh, what a relief... (BeyonderGod)
(05-11-1998 11:39:20 )
Zo, daar ben ik weer. Ik weet dat julie me gemist hebben. (BeyonderGod)
(05-11-1998 11:37:43 )
And the winner is... (Tycoon)
(04-11-1998 20:55:56 )
No wonder i had this urge to look at the wall, you all are talking about pizza on here! 8)~~ gimme gimme!! (Whizzkid)
(04-11-1998 17:50:47 )
oooo i just took a look at the stats..... i think that tyc wither has too much to say or.... (decided i couldn't be nasty!) (robbe)
(04-11-1998 13:26:02 )
can we have pizza aswell as candy... too much candy can make you ill! And i like pizza :) (robbe)
(04-11-1998 13:22:10 )
a snake that sounds scarey... where's the candy??? (robbe)
(04-11-1998 13:20:09 )
Where did that snake come from? (Vage lui hier tegenwoordig. Familie van jou Whizz?) (Tycoon)
(02-11-1998 20:46:27 )
Oh, I should've seen that.. obvious.. sorry (?!!!) (Whaley)
(02-11-1998 13:52:00 )
ja maar dan wel in het bakkie (zonder kat) (Tycoon)
(02-11-1998 13:25:02 )
Een atoompje in een plastic TeringTubbieWare bakje in een staalconstructie is nog steeds een atoompje in een staalconstructie.. blaat. (Whaley)
(02-11-1998 12:50:31 )
You knew I was a snake when you picked me up. (twitch)
(02-11-1998 05:40:13 )
iSo: kunnen we niet betalen :) (Tycoon)
(01-11-1998 21:07:04 )
Tyc: wat maakt dat uit? Dan hang je dat atoompje toch in een plastic Tupperware bakje ..? (iSo)
(01-11-1998 16:39:47 )
iSo: dat hebben wij op het werk, maar die krengen hebben zo'n slechte ontvangst in een staalconstructie... :( (Tycoon)
(01-11-1998 15:53:22 )
.. minuten dus, geen imnuten ;-) (iSo)
(01-11-1998 12:44:28 )
De klok staat 4 imnuten voor .. kan er geen atoompje aan gehangen worden ofzo? (iSo)
(01-11-1998 10:25:55 )
Ik heb geen zin om op zondag te werken .. dus is dit waarschijnlijk m'n laatste dag :-) (iSo)
(01-11-1998 10:24:57 )
Hmmm... Yeah the clock is running about 3 minutes ahaed of CET. (Tycoon)
(31-10-1998 23:44:48 )
Bwergh... I just ate about 50 bananas (Tycoon)
(31-10-1998 23:42:20 )
Robbe come over here and you'll get some candy (hmm does that sound naughty or what?) (Whaley)
(31-10-1998 23:08:38 )
the clock on here is wrong... and thats even with the hour that you silly continentals decide you must have! :P (robbe)
(31-10-1998 14:05:00 )
so where's my candy then??? i haven't seen a bite of it yet??? You lot are really unfair! I think that i might cry! As for you lot being fat.... you have eaten all the candy, so you deserve to be :P (robbe)
(31-10-1998 14:03:15 )
Nee, kogeltjes voor schroevendraaiers :) (Tycoon)
(30-10-1998 18:39:23 )
Voor M.H.?? (Whaley)
(30-10-1998 16:20:30 )
Hee meneer P, geeft u nog even een routebeschrijving en adres ofzo? (Tycoon)
(30-10-1998 12:20:37 )
Gelukkig is er net een lading van 100 stalen ballen onderweg uit Taiwan... (Tycoon)
(30-10-1998 12:19:37 )
Ik zou er maar weg van blijven als ik jou was. (Whaley)
(30-10-1998 09:56:38 )
touch me and i'll bite yar balls off ya hear! (plukkie)
(29-10-1998 23:08:36 )
Met plukkie (Tycoon)
(29-10-1998 18:51:20 )
met wie ga je meeten? (mieten) (Whaley)
(29-10-1998 15:03:37 )
jaja, bijna meeting tijd! joepi...... (MR.P)
(28-10-1998 23:56:23 )
Ja daaaaaaaaaag... Ga hem een beetje helpen met z'n allen... Wie roelt hier de muur? Jajajaja... :) (Tycoon)
(28-10-1998 16:55:48 )
Dan neem je toch gewoon een andere naam.. Whizzkid ofzo.. (Whaley)
(28-10-1998 16:29:33 )
Dan ben ik nog wel een tijdle bezig! (BeyonderGod)
(28-10-1998 14:29:34 )
Ik wil ook 'The Wall' domineren! (BeyonderGod)
(28-10-1998 14:28:26 )
Shut up Monica! (BeyonderGod)
(28-10-1998 14:27:28 )
Shut up Bill! (Tycoon)
(27-10-1998 13:09:04 )
Maar ik rook niet! (BeyonderGod)
(27-10-1998 12:03:28 )
I hate those stupid Macs!!! (BeyonderGod)
(27-10-1998 12:02:35 )
Yeah.. that's a statement.. an impressive one, even. (Whaley)
(27-10-1998 10:15:10 )
death (nebiros)
(26-10-1998 22:30:47 )
*munch munch* no, I have plenty left for you to grow big and fat and ugly as well.. *slurp slurp* (Whaley)
(26-10-1998 16:47:03 )
Get it? :) (Tycoon)
(25-10-1998 17:08:00 )
Hor rid ['h@rid] adj. 1. frightful; terrible. 2. (colloq.) disagreeable: a ~ bore. ~ly adv. ness n. (Tycoon)
(25-10-1998 17:07:32 )
Horrid? (iSo)
(25-10-1998 14:23:21 )
What she doesn't know is that we all are already fat and horrid... :) (Tycoon)
(25-10-1998 12:46:41 )
!whatis horrid (iSo)
(25-10-1998 10:29:29 )
would you rather he made US all fat and horrid? hehe (whizzkid)
(24-10-1998 23:27:00 )
mmmmmm candy!!! are you going to share it with us all?? Or are you going to make yourself all fat and horrid?? (robbe)
(24-10-1998 14:31:56 )
Ja hallo, daar hebben wij ze niet voor gekocht! :) (Tycoon)
(23-10-1998 22:35:10 )
/me has got three new drawers in his desk so he can put in more candy bars! (Whaley)
(23-10-1998 17:10:36 )
Teringzooi hier zeg.. (Whaley)
(23-10-1998 17:08:48 )
No.. that's what I'm going to do tomorrow. (Whaley)
(23-10-1998 17:08:23 )
Oh oh... Tering! (Tycoon)
(23-10-1998 11:52:46 )
Maybe both? (Tycoon)
(22-10-1998 19:17:10 )
No problem.. do it all the time. at least I did it yesterday. or was it today? (Whaley)
(22-10-1998 14:30:32 )
Zal wel lukken... (Tycoon)
(22-10-1998 13:21:56 )
lekker vaag doen hoor!! (MR.P)
(22-10-1998 13:08:09 )
maar toen ik "vandaag" zei, bedoelde ik natuurlijk vandaag. (Whaley)
(22-10-1998 09:11:35 )
"Vandaag is het donderdag", zei ik gisteren. (Whaley)
(22-10-1998 09:08:34 )
oh willen jullie het zelf bepalen? nou BARST dan maar...... roep me maar as je me nodig hebt.. ik ga es effe op mijn wijf ligge (Vader_tijd)
(22-10-1998 08:50:10 )
't is WOENSDAG! (iSo)
(21-10-1998 22:45:21 )
Bijna weekend... :) (Tycoon)
(21-10-1998 12:55:36 )
Thank Linus it's friday! (Whaley)
(21-10-1998 10:04:31 )
Yeah! Let's break some rules here. Tomorrow is Friday for us, ok? (Tycoon)
(20-10-1998 17:27:24 )
yeah, just like last week, grrrr.. its a conspiracy i tell ya! (Whizzkid)
(20-10-1998 14:25:38 )
Wall history - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 ALL